The story of Helga Gunkel (Amalia Kassai) and Flora Gutiérrez (Catalina Saavedra), the first female officers of the Chilean Investigative Police. Both are sent to their first mission: travel to Kerren, a Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego estate and village, in order to investigate the stealing of a purebred horse, Sigfried, property of Raymond Gamper (Alejandro Sieveking), a powerful ranch owner of german descent, who owns everything and everyone in Kerren, and about whom the chilean government have a suspicion that he might be helping out the Nazi Germany. Nevertheless, such an event is an open door to a whole world of mystery, secrets and crossed stories in an inhospitable land. This -apparently simple- case hides a criminal who has returned to Kerren for revenge, initiating a series of other crimes that the village prefer to ignore but for our investigators it is transformed into a mysterious puzzle of intrigues that must be solved at the risk of losing their own lives.