Йде завантаження
  • Країна Сполучені Штати
  • SHOWS 4
  • ФІЛЬМИ 6

Tim Perez-Ross

Tim Perez-Ross з'являлося в 4 series та 6 фільмів. Перформанс, який можна знайти в ролі %ролі% в серіалі %шоу%.У кіно, як Cop Garyson у повнометражному фільмі Operation Taco Gary's.

Tim Perez-Ross

Shows (4)

The Vampire Diaries
The Vampire Diaries
Police Captain
The Big Door Prize
The Big Door Prize
Coach Eagleson
Class of '09
Class of '09
Future FBI Agent #1
Saved by the Bell
Saved by the Bell
Skulnick (uncredited)

Фільми (6)

Operation Taco Gary's
Operation Taco Gary's
Cop Garyson
The Angry Black Girl and Her Monster
The Angry Black Girl and Her Monster
Police Officer #4
Where We're Meant to Be
Where We're Meant to Be
Washington's Armor: The Journey
Washington's Armor: The Journey
Christopher Gist
Inara, the Jungle Girl
Inara, the Jungle Girl
Marshal Howard
Coronavirus: Patient Zero
Coronavirus: Patient Zero
Dr. Stone