Йде завантаження


6 учасників

A French real estate developer prepares an old Romanian thermal resort for renovation. A Roman fresco in a crypt delays the project, so he tries to burn it down. But he locks himself in a courtyard by mistake. He stays trapped for days, the neighborhood being deserted. He tries communicating with the few remaining residents and changes from a civilized being to a beast, until finding new perspectives. Will he leave the courtyard, or not?


Схожі фільми (10)

Une villa pour deux
Une villa pour deux
Sweet Home
Sweet Home
Les mains vides
Les mains vides
Basse saison
Basse saison
Des enfants gâtés
Des enfants gâtés
Les Souvenirs
Les Souvenirs
A Lua Platz
A Lua Platz
Zéro m²
Zéro m²