The Thick of It is a British comedy television series that satirises the inner workings of modern British government. It was first broadcast in 2005, initially with a small cast focussing on a government minister, his advisers and their spin-doctor. The cast was significantly expanded to coincide with Christmas and Gordon Brown's appointment as prime minister in 2007, which saw a number of new characters forming the opposition party. These characters continued for its third series in 2009, and the fourth and final series about a coalition government was broadcast in Autumn 2012.
Mis à jour le 27 septembre 2023 :
Ça y est, Arte diffuse enfin Sous contrôle, la petite pépite de la chaîne qui met en scène Léa Drucker en nouvelle ministre des affaires étrangères. Une grande réussite où on ne pourra pas s’empêcher de rire, sans se moquer des personnages mais bel et bien des situations, la rentrée d’Arte marque le coup.
Article publié le 20 mars 2023 :