Chargement en cours
  • Pays Royaume-Uni
  • Genres Action, Aventure, Enfant
  • Durée d’un épisode 30 minutes
  • Durée totale 71 heures 30 minutes
  • Statut Terminée
  • Chaîne ITV
  • Liens externes Page TheTVDB
    Page IMDB
    Page TheMovieDB
  • Dernière mise à jour 24 juillet 2020 - 05:15
    sur 11 bases de données

The Adventures of Robin Hood

16 membres 4 saisons143 épisodes

A long-running series of adventures featuring Robin of Locksley--Robin Hood--and his group of Sherwood-Forest-based freedom fighters. Robin and his men protected England from the evil machinations of Prince John while good King Richard was away at the Crusades. The series was primarily intended for children, and was unusual in that it frequently re-used the same actors in different roles, or different actors in a recurring roles




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