A story of love and friendship between five high school students from Seoyeon High School.
Lee Ha-min appears like a bright person, but there is also darkness within his mind. Han So-mang is a warm-hearted person, but she is also quite timid. Lee Jae-min is a popular student with a painful past, but he is kind to everyone around him. Yoon Bo-mi is a sweet, model student. Choi Jin-young loves playing games, and although he may seem unfriendly, he has a gentle personality.
Commentaires (2)
De tout beauté. Ce drama traite un sujet délicat avec élégance. Les deux acteurs principaux jouent extrêmement bien. Ils arrivent à nous transmettre de telles émotions. Je l'ai trouvé très particulier à regarder car on ressent un amour si profond malgré la détresse que ça en est perturbant. Il est vraiment à voir et à apprécier.
Très émouvant!