Bae Ta-Mi (Lim Soo-Jung) works as a director for a big web portal company. She is in her late 30's and is quite competitive. With her competitiveness, Bae Ta-Mi enjoys success. The methods she uses to win has her wondering if she is doing the right thing with her life. Has she sacrificed too much of her personal life for success?
Park Mo-Gun (Chang Ki-Yong) is a man in his 20's and is a gifted composer. He creates music for video games. Park Mo-Gun meets Bae Ta-Mi at an arcade. He falls in love with her due to her competitive spirit.
Commentaires (3)
J'ai abandonné à l'épisode 3 c'était ennuyant.
Exactement, beaucoup trop long, les acteurs y jouent pourtant bien, mais me suis ennuyée au bout de 10 épisodes
Les premiers épisodes sont accrocheurs et le thème original mais la série s'essouffle et il y a beaucoup de longueurs... Ça devient vraiment long après 10 épisodes... Dommage.