Chargement en cours
  • Genre Comédie
  • Durée d’un épisode 30 minutes
  • Durée totale 5 heures
  • Statut Terminée
  • Chaîne YouTube
  • Liens externes Page TheTVDB
  • Dernière mise à jour 6 février 2019 - 09:16
    sur 11 bases de données

Nirvana The Band The Show

5 membres 1 saison10 épisodes

Nirvana the Band consists of friends Matt Johnson and Jay McCarrol; Nirvana the Band the Show is their 10 episode webseries, produced over 2007-2009. The show follows their misadventures trying to get their band—Matt improvising to Jay's piano-playing—booked at the Rivoli, a local dive. Hilarity Ensues when they come up against minor and often self-created issues in getting themselves booked and decide to resolve them through usually illegal means. The series is shot in a fake documentary style.




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