The series follows a no-nonsense junior high woodshop teacher Mr. Birchum as he attempts to navigate a world he doesn’t understand or approve of. He’s befuddled by his gaming streamer son, annoyed at his selfie-taking students and is constantly at war with the school district’s “J.E.D.I.” (Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion officer) whose feelings-over-facts style of administration is everything that’s wrong with education today.
Oh le petit dessin animé produit par les conservateurs du DailyWire. Boo-hoo, c’est dur. La série est « éclatée » au sous-sol. Pas drôle, on se plaint des wokes et encore mais c’est tout…. Bien entendu les complotistes connues font les voix histoires d’en tirer le max de sous tout comme les studios