Chargement en cours
  • Pays États-Unis
  • Genre Télé-réalité
  • Durée d’un épisode 25 minutes
  • Durée totale 4 heures 10 minutes
  • Statut Terminée
  • Liens externes Page TheTVDB
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  • Dernière mise à jour 12 février 2019 - 12:41
    sur 11 bases de données

Mel B: It's A Scary World

4 membres 1 saison10 épisodes

"From party girl 'Scary Spice' to the ultimate new millennium mom, the British beauty is now all grown up, but her famous no-holds-barred approach to life remains the same as she combines 24/7 chaos, from live shows to acting gigs, with her life as wife and mom," Style said in a show description.

"Mel B is confident, hilarious and outrageously entertaining," said Salaam Coleman Smith, president of The Style Network. "Style is all about transformations, and we love that Mel has evolved her image and sought new challenges throughout her career while also taking on the ups, downs and everything in between that come with motherhood and marriage."




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