Chargement en cours
  • Pays Corée du Sud
  • Genre Drame
  • Durée d’un épisode 75 minutes
  • Durée totale 22 heures 30 minutes
  • Statut Terminée
  • Chaîne tvN
  • Liens externes Page TheTVDB
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    Page TheMovieDB
  • Dernière mise à jour 26 juillet 2020 - 21:15
    sur 11 bases de données


223 membres 1 saison18 épisodes

Drama series contains the joy and sorrows of police officers at a precinct office. They try to uphold values in everyday life and maintain justice.
Jung-O [Jung Yu-Mi] lives with her single mother and her father has ignored her existence. After graduating from college, Jung-O struggles to find a job. One day, she decides to take an exam to become a police officer. She studies for 2 years and finally passes the exam. Jung-O enters the police academy. There, she meets fellow cadet Sang-Soo [Lee Kwang-Soo].
Sang-Soo has a mother and an older brother. He worked as an intern at a water company. He wanted to become a full time employee there and worked incredibly hard, even buying stock in the company. Sang-Soo was devastated to learn that the company was a fraud. He saw a notice announcing an exam to become a police officer. He decided then to become a police officer.
Jung-O and Sang-Soo go through hard times at the police academy, led by their instructor Yang-Chon [Bae Sung-Woo]. After training at the police academy, Jung-O and Sang-Soo begin work at the Hongil Police Precinct Office. They encounter situations they never expected. Their instructor Yang-Chon receives a demotion and also begins work at the Hongil Police Precinct Office.




Série vraiment super, où l'on suit de l'entrée à l'école de police (2 épisodes) à la vie de tous les jours de 3 recrues avec leurs mentors. De nombreux passages tristes. D'autres très drôles. J'ai beaucoup aimé. Sauf la recrute principale.. je pouvais pas blairer sa tête. Il a trop une tête de vénère c'était disgracieux à regarder.


Photos (2)

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