Chargement en cours
  • Pays Corée du Sud
  • Genres Comédie, Fantastique
  • Durée d’un épisode 60 minutes
  • Durée totale 12 heures
  • Statut En cours
  • Chaîne ENA
  • Liens externes Page TheTVDB
    Page IMDB
    Page TheMovieDB
  • Dernière mise à jour 8 avril 2023 - 05:30
    sur 11 bases de données

Delivery Man

168 membres 1 saison12 épisodes

Seo Young-min is a young man who takes the wheel of his late mother's taxi. He works hard to protect the house where he and his grandmother live and steps on the accelerator as soon as the taxi fare settles. One night, Kang Ji-hyun, a lost soul that doesn't remember anything about when she was alive, gets into his taxi for a free ride and doesn't leave. Ji-hyun can't stand injustice or turn a blind eye to people in need. Together, they launch a taxi service for wandering souls and help them fulfill their last wishes. Do Gyu-jin works as an ER doctor and is perfect in every way. He is faithful to his colleagues, compassionate to his patients, and a reliable helper to Young-min and Ji-hyun. Gyu-jin is a workaholic and has a special connection to Young-min. Gyu-jin sees ominous signs in the incidents from the patients in the emergency room. The "ghost-only" taxi is now open for hire.




Bon petit drama qui m'a plu par ses acteurs, son histoire. Un peu indécise après les deux premiers épisodes, je ne regrette pas d'avoir persévérer 😉


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