Chargement en cours
  • Genre Drame
  • Durée d’un épisode 120 minutes
  • Durée totale 22 heures
  • Statut Terminée
  • Chaîne FOX Türkiye
  • Liens externes Page TheTVDB
    Page IMDB
  • Dernière mise à jour 20 juillet 2021 - 12:27
    sur 11 bases de données


12 membres 1 saison11 épisodes

Mahir Boztepe, left his whole life behind and opened the Ali Kaan orphanage to ensure that all orphaned children who came to his home from day one found the right family. The suffering of Mavi, Mozi, Bambi and Zeynep, who share the same room in this place to find their families, the longing for their relatives and their disappointments make them sisters inseparable. When girls are desperate, their social worker Ayşegül is always ready to come to the rescue.




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