Chargement en cours
  • Pays États-Unis
  • Genres Enfant, Comédie, Famille, Comédie musicale
  • Durée d’un épisode 25 minutes
  • Durée totale 28 heures 45 minutes
  • Statut Terminée
  • Chaîne Nickelodeon
  • Showrunner Scott Fellows
  • Liens externes Page TheTVDB
    Page IMDB
    Page TheMovieDB
  • Dernière mise à jour 29 octobre 2024 - 11:59
    sur 11 bases de données

Big Time Rush

2K membres 4 saisons69 épisodes

Big Time Rush is a series about friendship and brotherhood that chronicles the finding, making and breaking – of a potential chart-topping music group. Each of the guys brings something different to the group as they figure out their place in the crazy business of music and entertainment. A naturally gifted singer, Kendall never planned on becoming famous but definitely has the swagger of a music star. After seizing this opportunity of a lifetime, he leads his friends on an exciting comedy and music-filled journey. James has big dreams for himself and his pals and his confidence in their potential for success helps the other guys deal with the more difficult moments. Carlos looks at life as a big playground and this foray into music as an awesome ride that he is on with his buddies. The brains of the operation, Logan is the voice of reason and his sharp wit gives everyone the perspective they need to stay true to themselves and their goals. Life in the business is not easy and their antics often get them in trouble with the record label. From falling for the same girl to redecorating their apartment at the Palm Woods to misbehaving with a new school teacher at the recording studio -- the group learns that success comes with hard work and dedication – and the support of one another.




Commentaires (7)



J’ai pas su la regarder !!


Série pour les fans et groupies. Les chansons dans cette série ont un bon rythme et appropriée pour des adolescents.


C'est un guilty pleasure pour moi. J'en ai un peu honte parce que c'est dédié aux très jeunes et aux fans du groupe. C'est immature, tiré par les cheveux et exagéré. On dirait un cartoon avec des vrais acteurs. Mais bon, je plaide coupable, si je suis triste ou nostalgique, j'irai volontiers regarder plusieurs épisodes.


big time movie


Vidéos (2)

Big Time Rush "Big Time Break Out" Promo - Airs July 18, 2013
(Saison 4 Épisode 11)
12 juillet 2013
Big Time Rush "Big Time Dreams" Promo - Airs July 25, 2013
19 juillet 2013

Photos (10)

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