Lastning pågår
  • Genre Dokumentärfilm
  • Körtid 12 minuter
  • Total körtid 48 minuter
  • Status Avslutat
  • Nätverk Gaia
  • Externa länkar SidanTVDB
  • Senaste uppdatering 30 avril 2021 - 10:33
    på 11 databaser

Initiation to a Mystical Life

2 medlemmar 1 säsong4 episoder

A mystical life of initiation and ascension is a lifelong journey with no set destination. This is not a road to tread lightly upon, as the true seeker must be committed to a life of learning with a willingness to look deeply into the profound nature of the universe. Neil Kramer, philosopher and mystic, guides us through the most revolutionary and beautiful adventure of all: choosing a life of conscious evolution. Together, we explore the wisdom, attitude and techniques used to engage with a higher order of being in order to take on your own individualistic growth.




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