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  • FILMER 4

Risteard Cooper

Risteard Cooper har medverkat i 4 serie och 4 filmer. En föreställning som återfinns i rollen David Liddiment i serien Quiz. På bio, som Vincent Dooley i spelfilmen Extra Ordinary.

Risteard Cooper

Visningar (4)

David Liddiment
Too Close
Too Close
Si Robertson
Charlie (2015)
Charlie (2015)
Dermot Nally
Acceptable Risk
Acceptable Risk
Barry Lehane

Filmer (4)

Extra Ordinary
Extra Ordinary
Vincent Dooley
Haunted Harmony Mysteries: Murder in G Major
Haunted Harmony Mysteries: Murder in G Major
Eamon McCarthy
The Ties That Bind
The Ties That Bind
Sir Henry Coverly
The Closer You Get
The Closer You Get
Father Hubert Mallone