Lastning pågår
  • Körtid 25 minuter
  • Genre Animation
  • Språk Japánagiella
  • Externa länkar TheMovieDB-sidan
  • Senaste uppdatering 24 janvier 2022 - 00:09
    på 11 databaser

アンパンマンとはじめよう! 生活編 ステップ1 元気100倍! みんなの1にち

Anpanman to Hajimeyou! Minna no 1 nichi
1 medlem

Educational and challenging, an original Anpanman video series. The series theme is of lifestyle in Volume 1, within the family life, etc. Such as in a home or park, while the rhythm of real life in the same range of activities as the age, greeting, clothing detachable, such as meal of greetings, teach the contract of in life.
