Lastning pågår
  • Direktör Tarr Woryonwon
  • Körtid 1 timme 30 minuter
  • Genres Romantik, Drama
  • Språk Eaŋgalsgiella
  • Externa länkar TheMovieDB-sidan
  • Senaste uppdatering 9 août 2022 - 15:25
    på 11 databaser

Boss Chicks

21 medlemmar

They are just getting started

Desperation for money and luxuries drive three friends to faking life and deceiving their victims into falling in love with them and milking their every cent. Then drama and betrayal follow that leads to disaster, crippling their relationship.

Titta på trailern

Skådespelare (3)

Liknande filmer (10)

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