Shot in the Northern part of Iraqi Kurdistan, close to ISIS controlled areas, this film reveals a true archaeological Eldorado. The traces of hidden royal cities, extensive water management systems and 3000-year-old reliefs and architecture are brought into light, using specially shot drone footage, secret satellite imagery, high-end 3D visualization and animated sequences. These new findings saved from destruction, trigger a whole new understanding of this region, known as the Cradle of Civilization. The Untold Story Of Mesopotamia presents new insights into Ancient Mesopotamia and the birth of civilisation. Archaeologists on the ground, backed by the world’s leading Oriental research institutes, are at the forefront in this race against time to save and reveal our common heritage. Northern Iraq has become their new Eldorado, and these findings will broaden our understanding of Assyrian history when the great cities of the Empire thrived 3000 years ago.
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