Lastning pågår
  • Körtid 19 minuter
  • Genre Dokumentärfilm
  • Språk Eaŋgalsgiella
  • Externa länkar IMDB-sida
  • Senaste uppdatering 22 septembre 2023 - 23:31
    på 11 databaser

The Real 'X-Files'?

3 medlemmar

VICE meets up with Joe Nickell, a longtime paranormal investigator who’s been called the real-life Scully. We travel with him to Roswell, NM on the anniversary of the 1947 UFO Crash to talk to believers, skeptics and UFO witnesses alike to see if the truth is really out there.


Liknande filmer (10)

Roswell: Mysteries Decoded
Roswell: Mysteries Decoded
Alien Autopsy: (fact or fiction?)
Alien Autopsy: (fact or fiction?)
Aliens Uncovered: ET or Man-Made
Aliens Uncovered: ET or Man-Made
The Roswell Incident
The Roswell Incident
I Know What I Saw
I Know What I Saw
Beyond The Sky
Beyond The Sky
UFO - The Secret, Evidence We Are Not Alone
UFO - The Secret, Evidence We Are Not Alone
The Gulf of Silence
The Gulf of Silence
UFOs: 50 Years of Denial?
UFOs: 50 Years of Denial?