Lastning pågår
  • Direktör 工藤昌史
  • Körtid 1 timme 20 minuter
  • Genres Animation, Åtgärd, Äventyr, Fantasy
  • Språk Japánagiella
  • Externa länkar TheMovieDB-sidan
  • Senaste uppdatering 5 mai 2024 - 13:45
    på 11 databaser

チェインクロニクル〜ヘクセイタスの閃(ひかり)〜 第3章

4 medlemmar

Set in the land of Yuguto, the people thought that the land they live is the size of the world, but it’s actually divided into several areas, each with a respective king. Even though there were small wars among areas, the kings had roundtable meetings to maintain peace and balance. It was until a dark group of dark monsters appeared. Chain Chronicle: The Light of Haecceitas is the first of a trilogy of movies, the TV series version is the movies chopped up into 20-minute segments with an opener, closer, and a small intro and recap added in to smooth out the runtime. Movie 3 (TV episodes 9-12).

