Lastning pågår
  • Filmmanus Sue Houghton
  • Körtid 1 timme 36 minuter
  • Genres Dokumentärfilm, Telefilm
  • Språk Eaŋgalsgiella
  • Externa länkar IMDB-sida
  • Senaste uppdatering 22 novembre 2024 - 18:08
    på 11 databaser

Kingdom of the Blue Whale

8 medlemmar

Supported by the National Geographic Society, the world's eminent blue whale scientists embark on a revolutionary mission: They'll find, identify, and tag California blue whales, use the DNA samples to confirm the sex of individual whales, then rejoin the massive creatures' stunning migration when they collect at a chimera known as the Costa Rica Dome.


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National Geographic: Great Bear Rainforest
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