Lastning pågår
  • Direktör 浜津守
  • Filmmanus Ryou Katsuragi
  • Körtid 57 minuter
  • Genres Animation, Åtgärd, Komedi, Drama, Brottslighet
  • Språk Japánagiella
  • Externa länkar IMDB-sida
  • Senaste uppdatering 14 mars 2025 - 15:54
    på 11 databaser

ルパン三世 生きていた魔術師

14 medlemmar

The toughest enemies die hard or is it that more like hardly die?

Lupin steals an extraordinary gem from a Mediterranean party, only to be interrupted by Pycal, the trickster "magician" who had apparently died fighting Lupin early in his career. Pycal, now armed with real magical abilities, is determined to take revenge.
