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  • Språk Eaŋgalsgiella
  • Externa länkar IMDB-sida
  • Senaste uppdatering 6 février 2019 - 06:03
    på 11 databaser

Pu Pu Platter

1 medlem

When a young Asian woman comes to America searching for herself and love, she meets a young man and they begin a life's changing journey in his small town. Slowly their cultural differences and life's goals start to conflict and cause a roller-coaster of comedic events and heartache.


Liknande filmer (10)

Never Not Love You
Never Not Love You
The Toll of the Sea
The Toll of the Sea
Love in Taipei
Love in Taipei
Eat a Bowl of Tea
Eat a Bowl of Tea
Everything But a Man
Everything But a Man
The Incredibly True Adventure of Two Girls in Love
The Incredibly True Adventure of Two Girls…
Perfect Opposites
Perfect Opposites
Someone Else
Someone Else