Lastning pågår
  • Körtid 52 minuter
  • Genre Dokumentärfilm
  • Språk Fránskkagiella
  • Externa länkar IMDB-sida
  • Senaste uppdatering 1 janvier 1970 - 01:00
    på 11 databaser

Duels : Steve Jobs - Bill Gates, le hippie et le geek

Jobs vs. Gates: The Hippie and the Nerd
245 medlemmar

Since the late 1970s, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs wrote the future of computers with a battle between the Mac and the PC on the main stage. Their rivalry was so spectacular that it almost embodies the entire digital revolution. Both men dropped out of college and changed the world with their ideas, and even though they were adversaries, they always retained a high level of respect for each other.


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Steve Jobs: The Lost Interview
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