Lastning pågår
  • Filmmanus Gail Willumsen
  • Körtid 52 minuter
  • Genres Dokumentärfilm, Telefilm
  • Språk Eaŋgalsgiella
  • Externa länkar IMDB-sida
  • Senaste uppdatering 15 janvier 2025 - 15:18
    på 11 databaser

Volcano: Nature's Inferno

3 medlemmar

Travel around the world for a firsthand look at volcanoes - perhaps the most dazzling but destructive natural force on earth. Massive volcanic eruption can turn day into night, releasing the power of an atomic blast, spewing toxic avalanches of lava, gas, and ash. National Geographic Video transports you to some of the world's most notorious volcanoes, including Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines and Japan's Mount Unzen. Join volcanologists in their dangerous quest to forecast eruptions and save lives, putting you in the middle of the explosive excitement and human drama of Volcano: Nature's Inferno.


Liknande filmer (10)

Forces Of Nature
Forces Of Nature
Into the Inferno
Into the Inferno
Supervolcano: Yellowstone's Fury
Supervolcano: Yellowstone's Fury
Lava Land - Glowing Hawaii
Lava Land - Glowing Hawaii
Magma: Volcanic Disaster
Magma: Volcanic Disaster
BBC Earth - New Guinea
BBC Earth - New Guinea
Islande, la quête des origines
Islande, la quête des origines
Réunion magique
Réunion magique
Schlafende Riesen - Die Macht der Vulkane
Schlafende Riesen - Die Macht der Vulkane