Lastning pågår
  • Direktör Oliver Halmburger
  • Körtid 53 minuter
  • Genres Dokumentärfilm, Historia, Telefilm
  • Språk Duiskkagiella
  • Externa länkar IMDB-sida
  • Senaste uppdatering 29 juin 2022 - 16:03
    på 11 databaser

Vergessene Grenze

1 medlem

During the Cold War, many of those who tried to flee westward across the dangerous and blurred line separating communist Czechoslovakia from freedom were gunned down: the story of Europe's deadliest border.


Liknande filmer (10)

Operation: Daybreak
Operation: Daybreak
Jen o rodinných záležitostech
Jen o rodinných záležitostech
Whispers of Freedom
Whispers of Freedom
Man on a Tightrope
Man on a Tightrope
The Savage Peace
The Savage Peace
Night Train to Munich
Night Train to Munich
A játszma
A játszma
Keď hviezdy boli červené
Keď hviezdy boli červené
Můj strýček Archimedes
Můj strýček Archimedes