Lastning pågår
  • Direktör Claire Laborey
  • Körtid 53 minuter
  • Genres Dokumentärfilm, Telefilm
  • Språk Fránskkagiella
  • Externa länkar IMDB-sida
  • Senaste uppdatering 17 octobre 2023 - 07:45
    på 11 databaser

Moi, Christiane F, droguée, prostituée… : une génération perdue

26 medlemmar

West Germany, 1978. The publication of a harrowing book chronicling the miserable lives of young drug addicts living and dying in train stations and public toilets across the country causes a brutal social shock: the story of Christiane F., a thirteen-year-old girl who prostitutes herself to buy heroin, and the children at the Berlin Zoo station.



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