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The Evil Within 2 Walkthrough Gameplay Part 1 w/ Alex!

Alex (Scary Game Squad) and Jesse join forces to tackle Evil Within 2. Will this playthrough make any more sense then the last time Jesse played the game? Will it be any less frustrating? We jump back into STEM one more time to find out on my Evil Within 2 walkthrough gameplay part 1! Many more parts to follow. Enjooooyyy!

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Sadly Scary Game Squad couldn't meet, so I called forth my bearded bro Alex to help me stream some Evil Within 2. It's Coxtoberfest so you know we're drinking through this lets play, and lord knows after the gameplay in the first Evil Within it might be needed. Thankfully Alex is taking the reigns because he loves this series - and we're all along for the ride! Let's get crazy! Also, for several weeks we have receive obscure packages promoted The Evil Within 2. Broken mirrors, umbrellas to open in doors, even black cats. They got my attention, so scream with my on this Evil Within 2 gameplay!

The Evil Within 2 is a survival horror video game made by Tango Gameworks and published by Bethesda. What Evil within 2 (and the Evil within series in general) is making it feel like you barely survived each encounter. Centering around Sebastian Castellanos, haunted by his experiences at Beacon, is on a desperate quest to rescue his daughter Lily. Thought to be dead, Lily is being used are a new core for the STEM system and he must venture into this nightmarish world. The Evil Within is available on PC, PS4, and Xbox. I'll do doing the campaign, boss fights, and of course awesome commentary for this Evil Within 2 Walkthrough Gameplay.

What do you think of the Evil Within franchise? I have so many questions about it, but it's just so ridiculous that we have to just see where it leads.

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