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Middle Earth Shadow of War Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1: Cause the Hot Spider Said So

Are you ready for some Middle Earth Shadow of War gameplay?You may think you know Lord of the Rings or the Silmarillion, but Shadow of War tells the real story. A story of a man, a ghost elf, and a spider ...lady? Yep, there's also another one ring! This Lets Play is gonna be good!

Love Shadow of War gameplay? Then check out my Lets Play on Middle Earth Shadow of Mordor right here! ►► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJFJn176pTc&list=PLFx-KViPXIkHAH9gp95LEumDZ631JtT5P

Taking place immediately after the conclusion of Shadow of Mordor, Shadow of War is the continuation of Talion's story. What canon breaking story awaits us in this Lets Play? Is the nemesis system still awesome!? What of the gameplay? I intend to find out - although mostly I'm in it for the spider lady.

Middle-earth: Shadow of War is an action role-playing video game developed by Monolith, known for it's nemesis gameplay system. Set between the events of the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings, the story follows the ranger Talion who's family was murdered on the Black Gate where he was stationed. Brought back to life to seek revenge by Celebrimbor, the elf who created the One Ring for Sauron, the two seek to destroy the forces of Mordor once and for all.

Should we continue this Shadow of War gameplay? I'm having a great time, cause boy is this game crazy, but I want to know what you think!

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