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Видео Reigai vs. Original, The Fierce Fighting for Gambled Pride!

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Yushima's Zanpakuto stabs Hollow Ichigo, and within his own consciousness he can see Nozomi inside Yushima's as well. Nozomi calls out to Ichigo, but before he can do anything to help her, Yushima regains his will and attacks him, causing his Hollow-self to break apart. Now powerless once again, Ichigo is left to watch as his friends attempt to overpower Yushima. But no matter what they try, he finds a way to break through it. Yushima has reigai-Nemu bring him something that will help the fusion become permanent, and when she arrives, she unexpectedly kicks him backward. It is revealed that Kon was helped by Urahara and Mayuri by placing his Soul Candy into that of the reigai. Kon gives Ichigo a complete gikongan which he takes, and it restores his Shinigami powers. He prepares to unleash his bankai against Yushima. Meanwhile, Byakuya has deduced that the reigai do not sacrifice themselves to attack the originals when they are all together, as it goes against what they and Yushima believe in. The originals join forces against the reigai to protect the Soul Society.

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