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Binging with Babish: Johnny Cakes from The Sopranos

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There's a wealth of food showcased in HBO's genre-defining classic The Sopranos, but few (if any) surround a real, actual human romance. That's right, the short-but-passionate affair between a noticeably thinner Vito and his mystery-fireman-studmuffin Jim "Johnny Cakes". Labor under the delusion that these star-crossed lovers won't meet a tragic end as we share in their shared New England indulgence, johnny cakes with housemade sausage.

NOTE: Any homophobia in the comments will be unceremoniously removed. Don't be small.

Recipe: https://www.bingingwithbabish.com/recipes/johnnycakes

Music: "Juparo" by Broke for Free

Check out my playlist of preferred cooking tunes, Bangers with Babish: https://open.spotify.com/user/easybakeandy/playlist/04Gp926I7HFqBLVDI2eRJI

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Следующая серия
S01E143 - Binging with Babish: Breakfast from The Phantom Thread
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