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  • FILMES 2

Kim Michalis

Kim Michalis apareceu em 5 série e 2 filmes. Um desempenho a ser encontrado no papel de Thunders’ Mother na série Power Rangers. No cinema, como Daughter #2 na longa-metragem Hercules and the Circle of Fire.

Kim Michalis

Espectáculos (5)

Power Rangers
Power Rangers
Thunders’ Mother
Xena: A Princesa Guerreira
Xena: A Princesa Guerreira
Hércules: A Lendária Jornada
Hércules: A Lendária Jornada
Lea / Leah / Scilla / Young Alcmene
Jack of All Trades
Jack of All Trades
Underbelly NZ - Land Of The Long Green Cloud
Underbelly NZ - Land Of The Long Green Cloud
Aileen Johnstone

Filmes (2)

Hercules and the Circle of Fire
Hercules and the Circle of Fire
Daughter #2
Hercules and the Amazon Women
Hercules and the Amazon Women
Young Alcmene