Carregamento em progresso
  • Realizador Dai Wei
  • Duração 1 hora 33 minutos
  • Género Drama e ficção, Romance, Musical
  • Idioma Chinês
  • Ligações externas Página IMDB
    Página do TheMovieDB
  • Última atualização 18 septembre 2024 - 23:42
    em 11 bases de dados


3 membros

A Tibetan girl, who’d be a bride, could sing the traditional folk song Ganglamedo magically and elegantly. Her name was the same as the name of the song. But she disappeared in the night of her wedding. 60 years later, An Yu, a singer of Han nationality, became hot for singing Ganglamedo. But she lost her voice in a performance and then she disappeared, too. Is Ganglamedo a beautiful curse?

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