Carregamento em progresso
  • Realizador Dick Lowry
  • Duração 1 hora 26 minutos
  • Género Drama e ficção, Telefilme
  • Idioma Inglês
  • Ligações externas Página IMDB
    Página do TheMovieDB
  • Última atualização 14 janvier 2025 - 08:05
    em 11 bases de dados

Heart of a Stranger

6 membros

What happens when you receive someone else's heart and wind up with the transplant donor's personality traits and memories too? Jill Maddox, a middle-aged concert violinist, is about to find out! After her surgery, Maddox starts chugging beers, blasting modern music and donning barely-there miniskirts. She is acting like the 22-year-old guy whose ticker she inherited. Even weirder — this is a true story!

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