Carregamento em progresso
  • Realizador Djamesse
  • Roteiro Kamya
  • Duração 1 hora 9 minutos
  • Género Comédia
  • Idioma Inglês
  • Ligações externas Página do TheMovieDB
  • Última atualização 12 juillet 2023 - 06:09
    em 11 bases de dados

Ofussy Wars

2 membros
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Oki but he isn't malaise... yet

It is a period of flop. Emperor Ofussy's kingdom is being attacked by long-time enemy Emperor Zakachie. Only one thing can kill him: a secret stone called the "malaise" that's hidden somewhere in the infamous Féliks' caves, a very dangerous place where you can get deathly comshotted at. Entering the Féliks' caves is a death wish. Now, Ofu's last hope is General Corabi, who apparently once went into Féliks' and survived. Will Ofussy trust Corabi? Will Zachachie be malaised?

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