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Women of Marvel: Female Firsts

3 membros

Celebrate Women’s History Month with these landmark ladies featured in Marvel Comics who changed herstory! Who is your favorite female Marvel character? Tell us in the comment section! ► Subscribe to Marvel: http://bit.ly/WeO3YJ

These female characters broke the mold in Marvel Comics:

Black Widow (Claire Voyant)
1st Female Antihero
Mystic Comics #4 Aug. 1940

Miss America
The 1st Woman on a Super Hero Team (All-Winners Squad)
All-Winner Comics #19 1946

Jean Grey
The 1st Woman to Join the X-Men
X-Men #1 1963

Janet Van Dyne
The 1st Female Avenger
Avengers #1 1963
(And she chose their name!)

Monica Lynne
1st Woman of Color in Marvel Comics
Avengers #73 1970

The Liberators
The 1st All-Female Team-Up
Avengers #83 1970

The Cat
1st Female-led Super Hero Series
Beware the claws of …The Cat! #1 1972
By Linda Fite and Marie Severin

1st Appearance of an African American Female Super Hero
Giant-Size X-Men #1 1975

Monica Rambeau
1st Woman to Become Captain Marvel
Amazing Spider-Man Annual #16 1982

1st Woman to Wear the Infinity Gauntlet
Infinity Gauntlet #5 1991

Maria Hill
The 1st Female Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Secret War #5 2005

Jane Foster
1st Woman to Use Mjolnir as Thor
What if? #10 1978
Thor #1 2014 (mainstream continuity)

America Chavez
First Queer Latina Woman in a Solo Series
America #1 2017

Marvel’s female-identifying characters have continued to grow in representation and diversity over Marvel’s past 75 years, with 23 female-lead comic book titles currently in print and counting!

Writer & Producer: Lorraine Cink
Art Director & Video Editor: Laura Kammermann
Proofreader: Avia Perez
Historical Consultants: Ben J. Morse & Tom Brevoort
Executive Producers: Ryan Penagos, John Cerilli, Harry Go

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