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Lore For Noobs - Cairne Bloodhoof (Part 2)

After the Third War, Cairne helped the orcs establish their own nation, Durotar, but after that he returned to his people, to create a home for them in the new territory of the tauren, Mulgore.

In the northern part of Mulgore, Cairne created the city Thunder Bluff, the capital of the tauren. Cairne, being a wise and cunning old bull, established the city on top of four tall bluffs, which was the perfect defense against the harpies and centaur whom continuously harassed the tauren people, even after all these years.

Unfortunately, not too long after Cairne had created a safe environment for his people, his only son, Baine Bloodhoof, the heir to his father's position as high chieftain, was kidnapped by the centaur, and thought for dead for some time, leaving Cairne in a strong depression, making him incapable of leading his people.

Fortunately, Rexxar, a Mok'Nathal who was sent by Thrall to request the aid of the tauren in a battle against the human force, Kul Tiras, lead by the Admiral Daelin Proudmoore, arrived to Thunder Bluff, and needed Cairne's aid. Cairne though, was incapable of doing anything, his depression too deep for him to take the decisions that were required. Luckily, Rexxar wasn't just a normal grunt, he was a great warrior and was able to free the young Bloodhoof, and return him to his father. After that, Cairne, freed from his depression, followed Rexxar back to Thrall in Durotar, promising the aid of the tauren in the upcoming battle.

After the battle, Cairne returned to his people, and wasn't active until the War of the Frozen Wastes in Northrend was over. Cairne was sent to Borean Tundra, to escort Garrosh Hellscream, and the last remaining warriors from Northrend back home to Kalimdor. There, Garrosh and Cairne, was attacked by kvaldir. The kvaldir, managed to stir up fear in the hearts of the brave warriors, the fear helped by the legends of the kvaldir being untouchable, since they were said to be one with the mist. Cairne though, stabbed one kvaldir, and saw that this was not the case, the kvaldir played on their enemies fear, using old legends and myths to boost their strategy. Cairne and Garrosh, lead the warriors to the Horde ships, slaughtering many kvaldir in the process, but it was a retreat, and luckily, they managed to escape from the coast, and the kvaldir.

Soon after, they returned to Durotar, where Thrall held a feast. And after some time, he decided to leave Azeroth, and seek out his elders in Nagrand for shamanistic advice, to help Azeroth. To take his place temporarily, Thrall chose Garrosh Hellscream. Cairne wasn't happy about this, and told Thrall so, sadly that was the last time the old bull would talk to his orc friend. Thrall had left Azeroth, and the last words the two old friends had shared, had been an argument.

Shortly after this, Cairne received a letter from his friend, Hamuul Runetotem, telling him that orcs had attacked a peaceful meeting between tauren and night elf druids, and slain everyone except Hamuul who'd miraculously survived. But what no one knew, was that the orcs who'd attacked the peace meeting in the name of the Horde, were secretly a part of the Twilight's Hammer clan, manipulating the Horde and the Alliance into waging war upon one aother.

Cairne of course, didn't know this and soon found Garrosh, blaming him for what had happened and even ended up pimp-slapping him. This argument ended up sparking a mak'gora, an honorable duel from old orc traditions. Each combatant was allowed to have their weapons blessed with holy oil by a shaman of their pick, and they also had to have one witness each. Cairne had his weapon, The Runespear, that had been passed down in generations among the Bloodhoof tauren, blessed by the tauren shaman, Beram Skychaser. Garrosh, had his own weapon blessed by the Grimtotem matriarch, Magatha Grimtotem, who was known for hating Cairne and the Bloodhoof, even though Cairne had always welcomed her with open arms into the tauren society. The battle was hard, but in the end Garrosh managed to break Cairne's Runespear in half, and make a slight cut in the bull's chest.

This cut, which normally would've been harmless to someone like Cairne and any other warrior for that sake, proved to be the end of the chieftain. Magatha had secretly poisoned Gorehowl, Garrosh's weapon, instead of blessing it. Cairne fell by the hand of the new Warchief of the Horde and the Grimtotem matriarch Magatha Grimtotem.

Rest In Peace old bull, rest in peace.

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