Carregamento em andamento
  • Gênero Drama, Esporte
  • Duração de um episódio 55 minuto
  • Duração total 10 horas 5 minutos
  • Status Concluído
  • Canal Tokyo Broadcasting System
  • Links externos Página do TheTVDB
    Página do IMDB
    Página do TheMovieDB
  • Última atualização 22 septembre 2020 - 17:15
    em 11 bancos de dados


130 membros 1 estação11 episódios

Azuma Wataru, a third-year student at Karasumori High School, is a devil who strikes fear in the hearts of people. One day, Azuma is told by his form teacher that he has to participate in a club activity in order to make up for the lack of second-year students. The short-tempered Azuma cannot last long in whatever he does. At that moment, he learns that Satonaka Mari, the beautiful transfer student in his class, has joined the female rhythmic sports gymnastics club. He joins the male rhythmic sports gymnastics club, a club activity with very few people under the captain, Takenaka Yuta. They are ridiculed by the coach of the female rhythmic sports gymnastics club, and others, and are also hardly allowed to use the gym. However, when a sixth boy joins the club, Yuta decides to take part in a team competition with his long-sought six members …



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