Carregamento em andamento
  • País Estados Unidos
  • Gênero Aventura, Comédia, Família, Fantástico, Mistério, Romance, Suspense
  • Duração de um episódio 45 minuto
  • Duração total 7 horas 30 minutos
  • Status Concluído
  • Canal NBC
  • Links externos Página do TheTVDB
    Página do IMDB
    Página do TheMovieDB
  • Última atualização 9 octobre 2022 - 22:31
    em 11 bancos de dados

The 10th Kingdom

1K membros 1 estação10 episódios

Two centuries after Snow White and Cinderella had their adventures, the Nine Kingdoms ready themselves for the coronation of Prince Wendel, Snow White's grandson, to the throne of the Fourth Kingdom. But an evil once-queen has freed herself from prison, and turns the prince into a golden retriever. Wendel, by means of a magic mirror, escapes into a hitherto-unknown Tenth Kingdom (modern day New York City) and meets Virginia and her father Tony. Pursued by trolls, cops, and a wolf in man's form, the three blunder back into the Nine Kingdoms and begin their adventures to restore Wendel to his human form and throne, and find the magic mirror that will take Tony and Virginia back home, all the while unknowing that Virginia already has a connection to the Nine Kingdoms that may prove deadly before we reach Happily Ever After.




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