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Sou Luna

Soy Luna
9K membros 3 estações220 episódios

Luna leads a happy life in Mexico where she enjoys skating. Her life change overnight when a wealthy woman offers Luna's parents a job in Argentina and also to pay an elite school for Luna. Luna and her family move to Argentina. She starts a new life, makes new friends, but soon she discovers the Jam & Roller, a rollerskating club, where she can not only prove her talent on wheels, but also on stage singing. And that's not all, Luna is adopted and her parents have never kept her adoption a secret. However, Luna is suddenly overtaken by her past after moving to Argentina.

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Vídeos (4)

Soy Luna – Zwiastun. Ogl?daj od poniedzia?ku do czwartku o 18:00 w Disney Channel!
(Temporada 1)
27 mars 2024
(Temporada 1)
2 avril 2016
Soy luna épisode 1 premières minutes
15 avril 2016
15 janvier 2016

Fotos (15)

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