Carregamento em andamento
  • Gênero Crime, Drama, Fantástico
  • Duração de um episódio 52 minuto
  • Duração total 6 horas 56 minutos
  • Status Concluído
  • Canal Canal+ Africa
  • Links externos Página do TheTVDB
    Página do IMDB
  • Última atualização 29 novembre 2020 - 05:00
    em 11 bancos de dados

Sakho & Mangane

51 membros 1 estação8 episódios

In Dakar, the bustling capital of Senegal, there’s a thin line between ordinary daily life and the supernatural. Where the two worlds intersect, an old, lone wolf by the name of Commander Sakho has been keeping invisible yet deadly enemies at bay for the past 20 years. But now they seem to have caught up to him. In a case where dark, destructive forces are intent on plunging the world into chaos, Sakho is thrown together with Mangane, a young pup who acts without thinking. Now, the fate of the continent—maybe even all of humanity—is in the hands of this...



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