The various Kamen Rider media generally follows a tragic motorcycle-riding superhero with an insect motif, who fights against a villainous group. This group wields extraordinary powers and abilities in pursuit of their nefarious goals, with the hero having been granted their powers either from the same source as the villains' powers or even directly from the villains themselves. Crucially, however, this hero chooses to use their powers in pursuit of justice and in opposition to the villains. Each entry is mostly self-contained with its own unique themes and twists on recurring ideas.
Originally created by prolific manga artist Shotaro Ishinomori (Cyborg 009, Genma Wars, Skull Man) in 1971, the popularity and scope of the franchise has grown significantly over the years. It is credited with having launched the "Second Kaiju Boom" or "Henshin Boom" on Japanese television in the early 1970s, and has been a major influence on the superhero and action-adventure genre in Japan ever since.
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