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Vida de Artista

3K membros 2 estações46 episódios

Joey has struck out on his own and moved to Hollywood, hoping to truly make it as an actor. Joey says goodbye to a time when his friends were his family and welcomes the chance to turn his family into his friends. After reuniting with his high-strung sister Gina, a strong and sexy hairdresser, Joey moves in with her genius 20-year-old son, graduate student Michael, who literally is a rocket scientist. What Joey lacks in book smarts, however, he more than makes up for with his people skills, making him the best new friend his nephew could ask for.

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Vídeos (2)

2004 - "Joey" trailer
(Temporada 1)
29 janvier 2025
Joey trailer
1 août 2013

Fotos (8)

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