Carregamento em andamento
  • Gênero Drama, Família
  • Duração de um episódio 122 minuto
  • Duração total 10 horas 10 minutos
  • Status Concluído
  • Canal FOX Türkiye
  • Links externos Página do TheTVDB
    Página do IMDB
    Página do TheMovieDB
  • Última atualização 15 décembre 2023 - 12:55
    em 11 bancos de dados

Gülümse Kaderine

6 membros 1 estação5 episódios

Eda and Yaren are two young girls who grew up in an orphanage in Bursa and try to console their loneliness by accepting each other as siblings. Yaren wants to become a doctor by taking the university exam and winning the medical school. Eda, on the other hand, dropped out of high school and thinks that she will not get anywhere by studying. While both of them want to establish their own lives since they are eighteen years old, the fate of the two girls will change tragically after a house party... While Yaren embarks on a journey towards the secrets of her past, Eda begins to turn all crises into opportunities on this journey... She realizes that life owes them to them. He is thinking... And if this debt is not paid with good fortune, Eda is determined to make a collection out of the blue.

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(Temporada 1)
15 avril 2022


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