The story is a semi-serious school action story revolving around the main protagonist, Tomoharu Natsume. He is haunted by his childhood friend, Misao Minakami, who became a ghost after an airplane accident three years earlier, which Tomoharu barely survived. He takes the opportunity to live on his own when he enters high school in his new place of residence, Meiou-tei, and starts enjoying a carefree high school life. His life changes when a beautiful girl named Shuri Kurosaki appears with a trunk which she claims Tomoharu's brother, Naotaka Natsume, asked her to deliver to him. The presence of the trunk causes the appearance of Kanade Takatsuki, a girl dressed like a shrine maiden, who is after the trunk. Tomoharu is in possession of the trunk, which reveals secrets about the world they live in.