Carregamento em andamento
  • Gênero Mini-série, Romance
  • Duração de um episódio 17 minuto
  • Duração total 2 horas 16 minutos
  • Status Concluído
  • Canal iQiyi
  • Links externos Página do TheTVDB
    Página do TheMovieDB
  • Última atualização 24 novembre 2023 - 10:15
    em 11 bancos de dados

Uma Brisa de Amor

A Breeze of Love
132 membros 1 estação8 episódios

Dong-Uk who is always sensitive from being haunted by ghosts every night. However, he manages to sleep peacefully for the first time in his life, when he sleeps next to Dohyeon. They thought they were meant for one another and knew everything about each other, even though they didn’t talk much. Dong-Uk feels that their relationship is not working well and tries to hold on to Dohyeon, while Dohyeon is afraid to find out what’s about to come when the happy moments are gone. Just like the weather forecast, their love is so unpredictable.




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