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What YouTube Isn't | BECOMING YOUTUBE | Video 9

8 membros

Becoming YouTube merch: http://becomingyoutube.bigcartel.com

A "weekly" "documentary" series about YouTubers, with fantasy elements and sketch comedy and THIS BETTER BE FUNNY!

Written, directed and edited by BENJAMIN COOK (http://youtube.com/ninebrassmonkeys). Twitter: http://twitter.com/benjamin_cook

Thanks to everyone involved! In order of appearance:
QUINN HUMPHREYS (http://youtube.com/RedBlueQuinn)
JACQUES PERETTI (http://twitter.com/JacquesPeretti)
CHARLIE McDONNELL (http://youtube.com/charlie)
LIAM DRYDEN (http://youtube.com/liam)
EMMA BLACKERY (http://youtube.com/emmablackery)
PHIL LESTER (http://youtube.com/AmazingPhil)
DAN HOWELL (http://youtube.com/danisnotonfire)
CARRIE HOPE FLETCHER (http://youtube.com/carrie)
JACK HOWARD (http://youtube.com/OMFGItsJackAndDean)
DEAN DOBBS (http://youtube.com/OMFGItsJackAndDean)
ALEX DAY (http://youtube.com/nerimon)
MYLES DYER (http://youtube.com/Blade376)
TOM RIDGEWELL (http://youtube.com/tom)
HAZEL HAYES (http://youtube.com/hazel)
ALEX ROLINSON (http://youtube.com/RedBlueQuinn)
HANK GREEN (http://youtube.com/VlogBrothers)
GARY C (http://youtube.com/garyc)
CHRIS KENDALL (http://youtube.com/crabstickz)
CHRIS BINGHAM (http://youtube.com/slomozovo)
LEX CROUCHER (http://youtube.com/tyrannosauruslexxx)
BRAD SMITH (http://youtube.com/WorldOfTheOrange)
LIAM JACKSON (http://youtube.com/WorldOfTheOrange)
HATTI REX (http://youtube.com/HatticusRex)
TOM HOWES (http://youtube.com/tomcoolio)
SAM PEPPER (http://youtube.com/sam)
TEOH LANDER-BOYCE (http://youtube.com/mrtinoforever)
DANNY HOOPER (http://youtube.com/danmann44)
LOUIS COLE (http://youtube.com/louis and http://youtube.com/FunForLouis)
ASHLEE SUTHERLAND (http://youtube.com/Lightscameraashlee)
MANDY HYNES (http://youtube.com/mandy)
JA SON (http://youtube.com/VeeOneEye)
ED STOCKHAM (http://youtube.com/smilinglimpet)
DOLLY OLANDINI (http://twitter.com/dollyoladini)
DODIE CLARK(http://youtube.com/doddleoddle)
REBECCA NEED-MENEAR (http://youtube.com/beccarr11)
JAMIE ELLIOT SPICER-LEWIS (http://youtube.com/RageNineteen)
ALEX PERKINS (http://twitter.com/AlexPerkinss)
PAUL KATHRO (http://youtube.com/dfinenormal)
RUBY RUGGLES (http://twitter.com/rubyruggles)
RICK CRANE (http://youtube.com/RickC)
STEPHEN ROGERS (http://twitter.com/OneKungFuPanda)

Camera and Lighting:
CIARAN O'BRIEN (http://youtube.com/FunnyCatVideos), SAM CAPLAT (http://plasmacat.co.uk), ALEX ODAM (http://youtube.com/TheAlexFrom1994), OLLY NEWPORT (http://youtube.com/OliverNewport) & HAYDEN HILLIER-SMITH (http://youtube.com/HillierSmithStudios),


Sound Editor:

Visual Effects:
LUKE CUTFORTH (http://youtube.com/LukeIsNotSexy), MIKE DEAN (http://youtube.com/filmmakermichael) & ALEX ODAM

OHO (http://facebook.com/ohoband), JOSH WOODWARD (http://www.joshwoodward.com), KEVIN MACLEOD (http://incompetech.com), EDDPLANT (http://youtube.com/eddplant) & BRAD SMITH, GARY C, KLYNCH (https://www.facebook.com/KlynchMusic) & WILL DIXON ((http://youtube.com/WillsOdyssey). All tracks used with the kind permission of their respective artists. Kevin MacLeod and Josh Woodward tracks licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ Eddplant's "Untitled (Can't Find the Words)" is from his album Confidence Tricks and the acoustic version is from his EP Quietly Confident, both of which can be purchased from http://dftba.com.

Free download of Klynch's "Kick the Baby": http://facebook.com/KlynchMusic/app_220150904689418

Track list:
"Inner Voice" -- OHO, 2011
"Good to Go" -- JOSH WOODWARD, 2008
"Nothing in the Dark" -- JOSH WOODWARD, 2004
"Plain Loafer" -- KEVIN MACLEOD (incomptech), 2007
"Unnecessary Otter" -- EDDPLANT & BRAD SMITH, 2012
"Sweeter Vermouth" -- KEVIN MACLEOD (incomptech), 2010
"A Thousand Skins (Part 1)" -- JOSH WOODWARD, 2010
"She's on My Mind" -- JOSH WOODWARD, 2004
"Let It In" -- JOSH WOODWARD, 2010
"CheekTV" -- GARY C, 2008
"Off to Osaka" -- KEVIN MACLEOD (incomptech), 2006
"Cherubs" -- JOSH WOODWARD, 2010
"Untitled (Can't Find the Words)" -- EDDPLANT, 2010
"Good to Go" -- JOSH WOODWARD, 2008
"Kick the Baby" -- KLYNCH, 2010
"Untitled (Can't Find the Words) (Acoustic)" -- EDDPLANT, 2011
"Shingle Street" -- WILL DIXON, 2012

"Behind CheekTV" video clips used with the kind permission of ALEX BRINNAND. Full video: http://youtu.be/pGxNANz_BzY "Quickfire Quiz: Cheeky" video clips used with the kind permission of STICKAID. Full video: http://youtu.be/cWc_-wlag2k "SitC 2010" video clip used with the kind permission of GARY C. Full video: http://youtu.be/6hfYR5n12Bs

Próximo episódio
S01E13 - TomSka on asdfmovie! | BECOMING YOUTUBE XXXTRA
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