Ładowanie w toku
  • Kraj Stany Zjednoczone
  • Gatunek Rzeczywistość
  • Runtime 30 minuty
  • Całkowity czas pracy 19 godzin 30 minut
  • Status Zakończono
  • Sieć NBC
  • Linki zewnętrzne StronaTVDB
    Strona TheMovieDB
  • Ostatnia aktualizacja 30 mai 2018 - 05:30
    na 11 bazach danych

Trading Spaces: Boys vs. Girls

4 członkowie 3 sezony39 epizody

Just as in Trading Spaces, two families trade homes for two days with no interaction during that time - it's all a surprise. The twist in Trading Spaces: Boys vs. Girls is that a boy and a girl, each aided by a friend, get to redesign each other's bedrooms based on a "theme" supplied by the bedroom's occupant. Unlike the adult version, there is no budget, which leads to rooms that tend to be more "over the top", often in the neighborhood of $5,000! The one caveat: NO PARENTS ALLOWED!




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