Ładowanie w toku
  • Gatunki Dokument, Historia, Wojna
  • Runtime 51 minuty
  • Całkowity czas pracy 3 godzin 24 minut
  • Status Zakończono
  • Sieć Planète+
  • Linki zewnętrzne StronaTVDB
  • Ostatnia aktualizacja 18 avril 2023 - 17:01
    na 11 bazach danych

Clash of Titans

Navires de légende
2 członkowie 1 sezon4 epizody

For the first time, with the help of historians, engineers, architects and senior officers, this 4K series will immerse the viewer in the greatest naval battles of the 20th century and drill down into the heart of the superstructures that fought them, uncovering their complex engineering and technological feats.




Podobne spektakle (10)

Combat Ships
Combat Ships
Mighty Ships
Mighty Ships
Machinery of War
Machinery of War
Heroes of Aviation
Heroes of Aviation
Warships - Death at Sea
Warships - Death at Sea
Battle 360
Battle 360
Ancient Engineering
Ancient Engineering
Superstructures: Engineering Marvels
Superstructures: Engineering Marvels